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Shromani Panth Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa
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In 1699, Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh established the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa as the defender of Sanatan Dharma in the world. It was then that he initiated himself into the Khalsa and changed his last name from 'Rai' to 'Singh'.

Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa
An engraving from the Illustrated London Times of two
Akali Nihang Singhs engaged in battle, armed with muskets and 'chakars' (quoits)

His Khalsa, like him was to fight against all forms of religious bigotry and political tyranny. In Sarbloh Guru Durbar, Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh speaks of the ten virtues to be adopted by the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa warrior and ten vices to be abandoned.

Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa
A beautiful drawing of two Akali Nihang Singhs wearing
their traditional 'baana' (uniform) carrying a huge variety of weapons

Ten Guna (Virtues) of Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa:
1. Compassion
2. Charity
3. Forgiveness
4. Cleanliness
5. Control of mind
6. Purity
7. Appreciation of truth
8. Spiritually accomplished being
9. Warrior
10. Devotee of God and none other

Ten Oguna (Vices) that the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa must avoid:
1. Mentality against contemplation and meditation
2. Indiscriminate violence
3. False pride
4. Laziness
5. Miserliness
6. Heartlessness
7. Stupidity
8. Wearing dirty clothes
9. Impurity
10. Evil heart.

The Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa was to be a spiritual warrior of Akal (immortal God). Bhai Nand Lal Goya, the personal scribe of Guru Gobind Singh, defined the Khalsa thus:

‘Khalsa is he who forsakes slander.
Khalsa is he who fights at the vanguard.
Khalsa is he who slays the five [ie. controls lust, wrath, greed, false attachment and ego].
Khalsa is he who burns [destroys] superstition.
Khalsa is he who forsakes [overcomes the trappings of] ego.
Khalsa is he who runs from another’s woman [abstains from adultery].
Khalsa is he who does not look at another’s woman.
Khalsa is he who is absorbed in God’s name.
Khalsa is he who obeys the Guru’s word.
Khalsa is he who takes the weapon blows on his face [meaning fights at the vanguard].
Khalsa is he who nurtures the poor.
Khalsa is he who destroys evil beings.
Khalsa is he who contemplates God’s name.
Khalsa is he who attacks the Malesh [meaning 'the filthy', ie. Moghal armies of Aurangzeb].
Khalsa is he who attaches others to Nirankar God's name.
Khalsa is he who breaks all restraints [of caste, superstition, ignorance, etc.].
Khalsa is he who rides the war horse.
Khalsa is he who wages war [both the external and internal war against his own mind].
Khalsa is he who bears weapons.
Khalsa is he who kills the evil one.’
(‘Rehitnameh’, Piara Singh Padam, Pa.59)

Akali Nihang Jai Singh
A photograph taken in the early 1900s of Akali
Nihang Jai Singh, and his beloved pony named Kaler Singh

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