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The Multifarious Faces of Sikhism throughout Sikh History
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Bedis cont'd

During February 1801, Ranjit Singh had installed himself as ‘Maharaja’ (King). It was Sahib Singh Bedi who presided over the ancient Hindu ‘Kyshatriya’ (warrior) coronation ceremonies conducted by Brahmins. Maharaja Ranjit Singh, in gratitude gave Baba Sahib Singh a ‘Jagir’ (ownership) of 78 villages in Una. Ranjit Singh always looked upon Baba Sahib Singh as a ‘Guru’, in context of a spiritual guide and mentor.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh Bahadur

'Sher-e-Punjab' (Lion of Punjab) who was consecrated
is Maharaja by Sahib Singh Bedi on 12th April 1801 in Lahore

It is said that it was Baba Sahib Singh who had saved the life of Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a child. When Maha Singh, father of Ranjit Singh died, many Sikh Missl ‘Sirdars’ (chieftains) came to pay their respects. Amongst them were some of Maha Singh’s old enemies. During this mourning, some of these Sirdars decided to murder the toddler Ranjit Singh. Ranjit Singh’s mother came to hear of this plot, and took herself and her child to Baba Sahib Singh. As these Sirdars approached to kill Ranjit Singh, his mother hid him under the bed of Baba Sahib Singh. Baba Sahib Singh, and Bhai Mansa Singh, a learned servant in Baba Sahib Singh’s employment confronted these Sirdars and with their wise words turned the Sirdars away. Hence, Maharaja Ranjit Singh was always very fond of Baba Sahib Singh, his childhood savior.

Another great comrade of Baba Sahib Singh Bedi was the Jathedar of the Budha Dal and Akal Takht, 96 Crore Jathedar Singh Sahib Akali Nihang Baba Phoola Singh Ji. Akali Nihang Baba Phoola Singh once had a confrontation with the British.

96 Crore Jathedar Akali Nihang Baba Phoola Singh
An enamel miniature depicting the fifth 'Jathedar'
(commander-in-chief) of the Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa and Akal Takht (died 1823)

The British demanded that Ranjit Singh arrest the Jathedar of Akal Takht, and hand him over to them. According to Budha Dal oral tradition, it was Baba Sahib Singh who persuaded the great warrior Baba Phoola Singh to cease hostilities with the British, and go to Amritsar with him. Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh comments:

‘Akali Phoola Singh came here to Dam Dama Sahib. From here, he launched an attack to Anandpur. All their [British] military posts he destroyed. The Angrez complained to Ranjit Singh:
“They [Akali Nihangs] have caused great damage. Who are they? Why did you not stop them?”
He [Ranjit Singh], then from Raol fort sent a force under command of Moti Ram to Anandpur to go and capture Akali Phoola Singh Ji. The army went and laid down their arms. They said:
“We have been initiated into the Khalsa by him and become Singhs. How can we fight him.”
The army threw down it’s weapons Ranjit Singh could do nothing. Then Baba Sahib Singh Bedi of Una came. He was a descendent of Guru Nanak. He said to Akali Phoola Singh Ji:
“Oh Singh Ji these Angrez are to come and make their Kingdom. They are going to do everything. So why do all this. Lets go to Amritsar. ”
Sahib Singh took him to Amritsar. To capture him they had come. But who was to capture him. They were initiated into the Khalsa from here [Budha Dal]. They became Singhs from here. They all threw down their weapons saying:
“We do not want to fight. ”
Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh, transcript of interview on 27-10-1999
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