The Multifarious Faces of Sikhism
throughout Sikh History
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Khalsa Singh Sabhias
Time of origin: 2nd October 1879
Approximately six years after the emergence
of the Sanatan Singh Sabha, the growing numbers
of Christian Missionary-educated Sikhs,
loyal to the British Raj, were helped by the
British in setting up their own Singh Sabha.
These Sikhs would later become known as the
‘Tat Khalsa Singh Sabhias’.
First Anglo Sikh War
Sikh soldiers during the First Anglo-Sikh War,
circa 1846
From the conception of the Tat Khalsa Singh
Sabha in Lahore on 2nd November 1879, Sir
Robert Egerton, the Governor of Punjab’s
aide, became its patron. Sir Robert would later
become the Governor of Punjab. Quoting an earlier
text, ‘Akali Morcha Teh Chabar’,
2nd Edition (Pa. 18), the Sikh Missionary College
Publication (February 2000) noted that it was
Egerton who had written to Viceroy Lord
Rippon in 1881, with regards to the
control of Sikh temples:
‘My dear Lord Rippon
I think it would be politically dangerous
to allow the arrangement of Sikh temples
to fall into the hands of a committee emancipated
from government control, and I trust your
Excellency will assist to pass such orders
in case as will enable to continue the system
which has worked out successfully for more
than thirty years. (Simla 6 August 1881).
Believe me,
Yours sincerely
R. E. Egerton
Lt. Governor. Panjab.’ ‘Morcha
Guru Ka Bagh’, Pa. 9
Rippon Building
The building where Lord Rippon resided, Madras,
circa late 19th century
Utilising quick thinking and forward planning,
the British had appreciated the need to control
Sikhs and their religious institutions from
the very beginning. They were quick to seize
the opportunity to put a check on the Tat Khalsa
Singh Sabha movement, and ferment trouble between
the Sikhs and Hindus.
Mann Singh
Sirdar Bahadur Mann Singh who fought against
the British in the first Anglo-Sikh war at Mudki,
Ferozeshah and Sabhraon, Hodson’s Horse,
Delhi, circa 1858-59
The infamous ‘divide and rule’
policy was once again employed by the British
in regards to ruling India. They had even conquered
India, not with British soldiers, but trained
Indian ‘Sepoys’
who were taught to kill their fellow Indians.
Indeed, according to Sanatan Sikh and Hindu
tradition, it was the British writers on Sikhism,
who, upon encountering Sikhs began to present
Sikhs as a distinct community. This was in line
with the ‘divide and rule’ policy,
as all pre-British Raj writings on Sikhs (by
Sikhs/Hindus/Muslims) considered Sikhs as a
separate community within Hinduism, but on the
whole ‘Hindu’.
Veteran Sikh soldiers in the British Army, Malta